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MR imaging of seizures in a dog

An adult Bichon Frise first presented, aged 9 years, with seizures. CSF, bloods and MRI at initial presentation were all said to be normal and the dog responded well to medical treatment.

Seizures 1

Initial MRI (T2W TSE)

Some nine months later, deterioration in seizure control occurred with the dog experiencing a cluster of seizures. Medication was increased and the patient was referred for a second MRI. On this occasion an ill-defined area of T2W hyperintensity was found in the ventral aspect of the right temporal lobe and hippocampus with corresponding T1W hypointensity.

Seizures 3Seizures 2 

T2W TSE                                                                                                                                       T1W IR

Diffusion weighted imaging was not available at the time of the initial scan as this was carried out on a low-field scanner but DWI on this occasion demonstrated no evidence of restricted diffusion. A diagnosis of non-haemorrhagic infarct was made.

Seizures 4


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